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Concept by One U Thriving

Truth & Racial Healing Transformation Center

Implemented July 2019

AAC&U is partnering with higher education institutions to develop Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers to prepare the next generation of strategic leaders and thinkers to break down racial hierarchies and dismantle the belief in the hierarchy of human value. 

The TRHT Campus Centers have developed and are implementing visionary action plans with the aim of moving the needle on the transformative goal of erasing structural barriers to equal treatment and opportunity on campuses, in our communities, and for our nation around the pillars of the TRHT Framework: narrative change, racial healing and relationship building, separation, law, and economy. 

June 2020

Members of the University of Utah attended the 2020 TRHT Campus Centers Institute to initiate conversations on establishing a Truth & Racial Healing Transformation Center at the University of Utah.