Homophobic Slur shouted from moving vehicle

Current Status:

Although this situation may not be ongoing actively, the Racist & Bias Incident Response Team is working with appropriate departments to monitor and prevent future reoccurrence. Those who believe they have been the target of bias, intolerance or discrimination may report an incident to the public incident report form (bias and intolerance) or the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (sexual misconduct and discrimination).

Please direct any questions or concerns in regard to this bias incident to the RBIRT Manager at RBIresponse@utah.edu.

What happened

On February 3, 2024, an individual was walking to their car near the northern side of campus. As the person got into their car, a group of unidentified individuals driving by reversed their vehicle and yelled a homophobic slur out the window before driving off.

What is being done

The incident was reported to the Office for Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action and the University of Utah Police Department.

If you have any information related to this incident that may help, you can report the information using the Office of the Dean of Students’ website, report to the University of Utah Police by calling 801-585-2677, or fill out the silent witness form.

The University of Utah’s Commitment

 The University of Utah is a center of learning, with a vision that through education, we can impact our world for the better. Our foundational principles recognize our shared humanity and the dignity of all people. The university is committed to continue efforts that uplift and celebrate our campus community and enhance a sense of belonging.

What to do

If you see or hear someone shouting slurs or engaging in threatening behavior, note the location and notify campus officials. Bystander efforts are one way of combatting conduct that can be wrongfully seen as a prank or joke but can cause real harm.

Support and resources

Counseling and support services are available from various entities on campus. Visit Campus Resources | #SAFEU (utah.edu) for more information.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Ana Ascencio, RBIRT Manager, at RBIresponse@utah.edu

Previous @theU posts on how to prevent discrimination

Questions & Concerns

For any questions or concerns regarding an incident or this process, please contact Ana Ascencio, RBIRT Manager, at RBIresponse@utah.edu.

For additional reporting information on reporting any safety-related incidents, visit the #SafeU website.

Incidents & updates

Support Resources

If you are currently in a situation where immediate medical, police or other emergency services are needed, call 911 or University Emergency Communications at 801-585-2677 (801-585-COPS). To file a complaint regarding discrimination or sexual harassment, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (OEO/AA) at 801-581-8365.

Support & resources

Report a Bias Incident

Any act of intolerance, motivated wholly or in part by bias or prejudice against an individual’s race, color, ethnicity, age, religion, size, disability, national origin, language, gender, veteran status, identity expression, sexual orientation or age—regardless of severity—can be reported using this form.

Submit a report